Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comic Love

This is not about funny love affairs but instead love of the art form known as comics. I love them. I read the comics page in the paper every day. Why start your day with just the bad news? So when I found out about graphic novels, of course I was interested. And there are a lot of serious graphic novels that are wonderful. But what I really love are the goofy ones.

Just this week I discovered Jarrett J. Krosoczka's Lunch Lady, specifically Lunch Lady and the League of Librarians. Apparently this is the second in the series. Rest assured that I will be searching out all the rest of them. I didn't even notice there were others on the shelf. How could I look any further than a League of Librarians? Evil Librarians, at that. The idea was too delicious to pass up. Not that I have anything against librarians. I wanted to BE my elementary school librarian when I grew up. But librarians are always beatified in books for young readers and so how fun is it to have that turned on its head?

The Lunch Lady, her assistant, Betty, and a gang of three kids called The Breakfast Bunch solve mysteries around the school, foil evil plots, thwart criminals and use really cool gadgets made from things you'd find in a lunchroom. I really liked the spork communicator, for example. In this installment, they foil a plot by librarians to take over the world, starting by destroying a new video game system. Do I think the world would be a better place without video games? Possibly. But that's not really the point. Clearly we can't let librarians run amok.

Highly recommended for elementary school. Even middle school. Both my kids couldn't wait to get their hands on it.

Lunch Lady and the League of Librarians, by Jarrett J. Krosoczka, 978-0-375-84684-7

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